All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 4-IV Previous Year Question Papers with Answers

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The item ‘Education’ belongs to the :

A: Union List
B: State List
C: Concurrent List
D: Residuary Subjects

The answer is: C


The correct option is C: Concurrent List.

This means that the item 'Education' belongs to the list of subjects on which both the Union and the State governments can make laws, according to the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. I will explain all the options below:

A: Union List. This is not a correct option, because the Union List contains 97 subjects on which only the Union government can make laws. These subjects include defence, foreign affairs, currency, railways, etc. The item 'Education' is not in the Union List.

B: State List. This is also not a correct option, because the State List contains 66 subjects on which only the State governments can make laws. These subjects include public order, police, local government, agriculture, etc. The item 'Education' is not in the State List.

C: Concurrent List. This is the correct option, because the Concurrent List contains 47 subjects on which both the Union and the State governments can make laws. These subjects include education, labour, forest, marriage, etc. The item 'Education' is in the Concurrent List. However, in case of a conflict between a Union law and a State law on a subject in the Concurrent List, the Union law prevails.

D: Residuary Subjects. This is not a correct option, because the Residuary Subjects are those subjects that are not mentioned in any of the three lists. The power to make laws on these subjects lies with the Union government. These subjects include cyber law, space law, atomic energy, etc. The item 'Education' is not a Residuary Subject.