All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 5-V Previous Year Question Papers with Answers

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Equal pay for Equal work- can be enforced through

A: Art. 39
B: Art 14 and 16
C: Art. 311
D: Art.309

The answer is: B


The correct option is B: Art 14 and 16.

The principle of equal pay for equal work can be enforced through Article 14 and Article 16 of the Constitution of India. Article 14 guarantees equality before the law and equal protection of the laws to all persons. Article 16 ensures equality of opportunity in matters of public employment and prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence or any of them. The Supreme Court has held that the principle of equal pay for equal work is a constitutional goal and can be invoked as a right under Article 14 and Article 16. Therefore, any person who is discriminated in terms of wages or remuneration for doing the same or similar work as others can seek constitutional remedies under Article 32 of the Constitution.