The answer is: A

The correct option is A: Indian Divorce Amendment Act of 2001.
This is because this Act amended Section 10 of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869, which deals with the grounds for dissolution of marriage. The original Section 10 was discriminatory as it allowed only the husband to petition for divorce on the ground of adultery by the wife, but did not give the same right to the wife. The amended Section 10 removed this discrimination and made the grounds for divorce available to both the husband and the wife, irrespective of their gender. The amended Section 10 also added new grounds for divorce, such as conversion, unsoundness of mind, leprosy, venereal disease, desertion, cruelty, mutual consent, etc. The amendment was intended to make the law more equitable and progressive for the Christian community in India.
Option B is incorrect because there is no such Act as Divorce Amendment Act of 2002. The Indian Divorce Act was amended only once in 2001.
Option C is incorrect because there is no such Act as Indian Divorce Amendment Act of 2006. The Indian Divorce Act was amended only once in 2001.
Option D is incorrect because there is no such Act as Indian Divorce Amendment Act of 2012. The Indian Divorce Act was amended only once in 2001.