All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 6-VI Previous Year Question Papers with Answers

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Section 100 of the Cr. P.C. refers to

A: Seizure
B: Search
C: Summons
D: Search-warrants

The answer is: B


The correct option is B: Search.

Section 100 of the Cr. P.C. refers to the procedure for conducting a search in a closed place, such as a house, a shop, or a vehicle, by an officer or other person executing a warrant. 

This section lays down the following rules for a search under this chapter:

- The person in charge of the closed place shall allow free ingress and afford reasonable facilities for a search, on demand and production of the warrant.
- If ingress cannot be obtained, the officer or other person may break open the place in the manner provided by section 47(2).
- If any person in or about the place is suspected of concealing any article for which search should be made, such person may be searched by a person of the same gender with due regard to decency.
- Before making a search, the officer or other person shall call upon two or more independent and respectable witnesses from the locality to attend and witness the search, and may issue an order in writing to them to do so.
- The search shall be made in the presence of the witnesses, and a list of all things seized and the places where they are found shall be prepared and signed by them.
- The occupant of the place or his representative shall be permitted to attend the search, and a copy of the list signed by the witnesses shall be delivered to him.
- When any person is searched, a list of all things taken from him shall be prepared and a copy thereof shall be delivered to him.
- Any person who refuses or neglects to attend and witness a search without reasonable cause shall be deemed to have committed an offence under section 187 of the Indian Penal Code.