All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 17-XVII Previous Year Question Papers with Answers

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A leading question may be asked in

A: Examination-in-chief
B: Re-examination
C: Cross examination
D: None of these

The answer is: C


The correct option is C: Cross examination.

A leading question is a question that suggests a particular answer or contains information that the examiner wants to have confirmed. Leading questions are usually not allowed in examination-in-chief or re-examination, because they may influence the witness's testimony or make it seem less credible.

However, leading questions are allowed in cross examination, because they may help expose inconsistencies, contradictions, or falsehoods in the witness's testimony. For example, a leading question in cross examination might be: "Isn't it true that you lied to the police about your alibi?" This question implies that the witness did lie, and puts pressure on him to admit it or explain why he did not.