B.A./B.COM. LL.B. (5 YEAR LAW / U.G. LAW) Panjab University Entrance Exam 2019 : MCQs and Answer Key

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Ajay with an intention of murdering Rahul instigates Vijay, a child below 7 years, to do an act which causes Rahul’s death Vijay in absence of Ajay in consequence of abetment does the act and thereby causes Rahul’s death. In this case :

A: Vijay is liable for murder and Ajay is liable for abetment
B: Vijay is not liable for murder but Ajay is liable
C: Both Vijay and Ajay are liable under Section 302 of Indian Penal Code
D: Both Vijay and Ajay are liable for conspiracy to murder Rahul

The answer is: B