PGLAW 2015 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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For A Valid Muslim Marriage ( NIKAH ) :

A: Offer and acceptance of marriage must be at the same time and place.
B: Offer and acceptance of marriage must be at the same time
C: Offer and acceptance of marriage must be at the same place
D: Offer and acceptance of marriage may be at different times and places

The answer is: A


For a valid Muslim marriage (nikah), the correct option is A: Offer and acceptance of marriage must be at the same time and place.

In Islamic law, the marriage contract (nikah) is a legal agreement between the bride and groom. The offer (ijab) and acceptance (qabul) of the marriage must be made at the same time and place in the presence of two witnesses. The offer is made by the bridegroom or his representative, and the acceptance is made by the bride or her representative.

This condition is important to ensure that both parties are fully aware of the terms of the marriage contract and that they enter into the marriage agreement voluntarily and with full knowledge. This also ensures that there is no misunderstanding or confusion regarding the terms of the marriage agreement.

If the offer and acceptance of the marriage contract are made at different times or places, the marriage may not be considered valid under Islamic law.