Computer Oriented Numerical Methods (BCA) 3rd Sem Previous Year Solved Question Paper 2022

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Use the bisection method to approximate the value of √3 given that it lies in the interval [1,2].


The bisection method is a numerical technique for finding the root of a function within a given interval. To approximate the value of √3 within the interval [1, 2], you can follow these steps:

  1. Start with the given interval [,]=[1,2][a,b]=[1,2].

  2. Calculate the midpoint c of the interval: =2=1+22=1.5c=2a+b=21+2=1.5

  3. Calculate the function value at c: 3=1.53f(c)=c​−3=1.5​−3

  4. Check the sign of ()f(c):

    • If f(c) is very close to zero (within a predefined tolerance), consider c as the approximation for √3.

    • If ()f(c) is positive, update =b=c and repeat from step 2 with the new interval [,][a,b].

    • If f(c) is negative, update =a=c and repeat from step 2 with the new interval [,][a,b].

  5. Repeat the process until f(c) is very close to zero (within the desired tolerance).

Using this method, you can iteratively narrow down the interval until you find an approximation for √3. The accuracy of the approximation depends on the number of iterations and the chosen tolerance.