PU-MET : Panjab University MBA Entrance Exam with MCQ Answers 2014

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During the time that Amitabh was MD of a computer company, the company's profits decreased considerably. As a result, Amitabh's decision-making abilities were severely criticized. Coming to Amitabh's defense, Jaya pointed out several instances in which his decisions had produced positive results. In response, Anil, one of his critics, replied, "Even a broken clock show the correct time twice a day." In using this example, Anil was arguing that -

A: There is no connection between the company's profits and Amitabh's decisionmaking abilities.
B: The criticism directed at Amitabh may have been exaggerated.
C: Even in those instances which Jaya cited, Arnitabh's decisions had, in fact, produced negative results.
D: A few successes do not prove the soundness of Amitabh's decision-making ability

The answer is: D