PU-MET : Panjab University MBA Entrance Exam with MCQ Answers 2015

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The way disputants understand and view the conflict

Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions which follow.Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in organizational setting. Properly managed conflict can improve group outcomes. While no single definition of conflict exists, most definitions involve the following factors: there are at least two independent groups, the groups perceive some incompatibility between themselves, and the groups interact with each other in some way. Two example definitions are, "process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party), and "the interactive process manifested in incompatibility, disagreement, or dissonance within or between social entities". The overarching hierarchy of conflict starts with a distinction between substantive (also called performance, task, issue, or active) conflict and affective (also called relationship) conflict. If one could make a distinction between good and bad conflict, substantive would be good and affective conflict would be bad. Substantive conflict involves disagreements among group members about the content of the tasks being performed or the performance itself. This type of conflict occurs when two or more social entities disagree on the recognition and solution to a task problem, including differences in viewpoints, ideas, and opinions. Affective conflict deals with interpersonal relationships or incompatibilities not directly related to achieving the group's function. Both substantive and affective conflict is negatively related to team member satisfaction and team performance. Contradicting this, 20% (5 of 25) of the studies used showed a positive correlation between substantive conflict and task performance. Conflict resolution, otherwise known as Reconciliation, is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution. Often, committed group members attempt to resolve group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or ideologies to the rest of the group (e.g., intentions; reasons for holding certain beliefs), and by engaging in collective negotiation. Dimensions of resolution, typically parallel the dimensions of conflict in the way the conflict is processed. Cognitive resolution is the way disputants understand and view the conflict, with beliefs and perspectives and understandings and attitudes. Emotional resolution is in the way disputants feel about a conflict, the emotional energy. Behavioral resolution is how one thinks the disputants act, their behavior. Ultimately, a wide range of methods and procedures for addressing conflict exist, including but not limited to, negotiation, mediation, diplomacy, and creative peace-building.
A: Cognitive dissonance
B: Cognitive resolution
C: Emotional resolution
D: Emotional dissonance

The answer is: B