PU-MET : Panjab University MBA Entrance Exam with MCQ Answers 2018

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When they crawled into the tent

We started pitching the highest camp that has ever been made. Everything took five times as long as it would have taken in a place where was enough air to breathe; but at last we got the tent up, ยท and when we crawled in, it was not too bad. There was only a light wind, and inside it was not too cold for us to take of our gloves. At night most clamberers take off their boots; but I preferred to keep them on. Hillary, on the other hand, took his off and laid them next to his sleeping bag.
A: They took off their gloves because it was not very cold
B: They could not take off their gloves because it was very cold
C: They took off their gloves though it was very cold
D: They did not take off their gloves though it was not cold

The answer is: A