PU-MET : Panjab University MBA Entrance Exam with MCQ Answers 2018

Practice Mode:

While travelling in a Delhi-registered commercial taxi from Delhi to an adjacent city (another state), your taxi driver informs you that as he has no permit for running the taxi in that city, he will stop at its transport office and pay the prescribed fee of Rs. 40 for a day. While paying the fee at the counter you find that the transport clerk is taking an extra Rs. 50 for which no receipt is being given. You are in a hurry for your meeting. In such circumstances, what would you do?

A: Go up to the counter and ask the clerk to give back the money which he has illegally taken
B: Do not interfere at all as this is a matter between the taxi driver and the tax authorities
C: Take note of the incident and subsequently report the matter to the concerned authorities
D: Treat it as a normal affair and simply forget about it.

The answer is: C