MBA CDOE (USOL) Panjab University MBA Entrance Exam with MCQ Answers 2014

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What car does Q own?

Three ladies and four men are a group of friends i.e P,Q,R,K,J,V and X. Each one has a different profession i.e. Lawyer, Travel Agent, Air-Hostess, Doctor, Professor, Consultant and Jeweller and each one owns a different car i.e. Alto, Corolla, Santro, Lancer, Ikon, Scorpio and Esteem, not necessarily in that order. None of the ladies is a consultant or a Lawyer. R is an Air-hostess and she owns an Ikon car. Powns as Scorpio, Lancer,Ikon,Scorpio and Esteem, not necessarily in that order. None of the ladies is a consultant or a Lawyer. R is an Air-Hostess and she owns an Ikon car. Powns a Scorpio. K is not a Doctor.J is a Jeweller and he owns Corolla. V is a Lawyer and does not own Alto. X is a Consultant and owns Santro. The Doctor owns Esteem car whereas the prodessor owns Scorpio. The Travel Agent owns an Alto. None of the ladies owns a Scorpio. The Travel Agent owns an Alto. None of the ladies owns a Scorpio.
A: Esteem
B: Lancer
C: Alto
D: Santro

The answer is: A