Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2017 Exam With Answers

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Flashing yellow signal signifies:

A: Road is clear
B: Intersection is existing
C: Slow speed; school ahead
D: Slow speed; proceed with caution

The answer is: D


Flashing yellow signal signifies:

(D) Slow speed; proceed with caution.

A flashing yellow signal is used at intersections to indicate that drivers should proceed with caution. It typically indicates that there may be potential hazards or changing conditions ahead, such as an intersection, pedestrian crossing, or other areas where caution is advised. Drivers approaching a flashing yellow signal should slow down, be prepared to yield to other vehicles or pedestrians, and proceed through the intersection or area with caution, ensuring that it is safe to do so. It is important to remain attentive and ready to react to any potential hazards while encountering a flashing yellow signal.