Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2018 Exam With Answers

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Medical certificate is compulsory for :

A: Private Vehicles
B: Light Motor Vehicles
C: Commercial Vehicles
D: Two-wheelers

The answer is: C


A medical certificate is typically compulsory for (C) commercial vehicles.

Commercial vehicles refer to vehicles that are used for business purposes, such as taxis, buses, trucks, and other vehicles involved in the transportation of goods or passengers for hire. Due to the responsibility of ensuring the safety of passengers or goods being transported, regulations often require drivers of commercial vehicles to undergo regular medical examinations and obtain a medical certificate.

The medical certificate serves as proof that the driver is physically fit and meets the necessary health standards to operate a commercial vehicle. It helps ensure that drivers do not have any medical conditions that could impair their ability to drive safely or put others at risk. The certificate may include information about the driver's overall health, visual acuity, hearing ability, and any specific medical conditions that may impact their driving abilities.

Private vehicles, light motor vehicles, and two-wheelers typically do not require a mandatory medical certificate for their operation, although specific requirements may vary depending on local regulations and circumstances.