Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2018 Exam With Answers

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What is minimum punishment for the offence of acid attack ?

A: Minimum 10 years imprisonment
B: Minimum 7 years imprisonment
C: Up to 10 years imprisonment
D: None of above

The answer is: A


The minimum punishment for the offense of acid attack is (a) Minimum 10 years imprisonment.

According to Section 326A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which specifically deals with acid attack, the minimum punishment for this offense is imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years. This means that if a person is convicted of committing an acid attack, they will be sentenced to a minimum of 10 years in prison.

It's important to note that the court has the discretion to impose a higher punishment based on the severity of the offense and other factors. In some cases, the court may even impose a life imprisonment sentence if the circumstances warrant it.

Therefore, the correct answer is (a) Minimum 10 years imprisonment.