Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

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Water is often treated with chlorine to :

A: Kill germs
B: To remove hardness of water
C: To remove suspended matter
D: To increase oxygenation

The answer is: A


Water is often treated with chlorine to:

(A) Kill germs.

Chlorination is a common method used to disinfect water and make it safe for consumption. Chlorine is added to water treatment systems in the form of chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, or calcium hypochlorite. It acts as a powerful disinfectant, effectively killing a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that may be present in the water. By adding chlorine, water treatment facilities can ensure that the water supply is free from harmful pathogens, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases and making the water safe for drinking and other uses.