Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

Practice Mode:

Which of the following is a fundamental rule for Road Safety ?

A: Respect Traffic rules and signs
B: Maintain your cool even in adverse situations
C: Care and concern for others
D: All the above

The answer is: D


The fundamental rule for Road Safety is:

(D) All the above.

Respecting traffic rules and signs, maintaining your composure even in adverse situations, and demonstrating care and concern for others are all essential principles of road safety. Each of these rules contributes to creating a safer environment on the roads and reducing the risk of accidents. Respecting traffic rules and signs ensures orderly and predictable traffic flow, reducing the likelihood of collisions. Maintaining composure helps to avoid aggressive or reckless behavior that can lead to accidents. Showing care and concern for others involves being considerate, practicing defensive driving, and looking out for the well-being of pedestrians, cyclists, and other motorists. Embracing all of these rules collectively promotes road safety and contributes to a safer transportation system for everyone.