Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

Practice Mode:

The Traffic Police plays an important role in :

A: Traffic Management
B: Preventing the violation of Traffic rules
C: Road safety education promotion
D: All of the above

The answer is: D


The Traffic Police plays an important role in:

(D) All of the above.

The Traffic Police have a significant role to play in various aspects related to traffic management, law enforcement, and road safety. Some of their key responsibilities include:

Traffic Management: Traffic Police officers are responsible for managing traffic flow, ensuring smooth movement on the roads, and minimizing congestion. They direct traffic, control intersections, and implement measures to optimize traffic movement and reduce bottlenecks.

Preventing the violation of Traffic rules: Traffic Police enforce traffic regulations and laws to ensure compliance by motorists and other road users. They monitor and take action against violations such as speeding, reckless driving, not wearing seat belts or helmets, and disobeying traffic signals. This helps in maintaining order, discipline, and safety on the roads.

Road safety education promotion: Traffic Police officers play an essential role in promoting road safety education and awareness. They conduct campaigns, workshops, and initiatives to educate the public about safe driving practices, traffic rules, and the importance of following road safety guidelines. Their efforts contribute to raising awareness and reducing accidents and injuries.

By performing these functions, the Traffic Police contribute to effective traffic management, enforcement of traffic rules, and the promotion of road safety and awareness among the public.