Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

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Which Section of the Indian Penal Code prescribes punishment to repeat offenders ?

A: Section 376
B: Section 375
C: Section 376-B
D: Section 376-E

The answer is: D


The correct answer is:

(D) Section 376-E.

Section 376-E of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) prescribes punishment for repeat offenders in cases of rape. It was introduced as an amendment to the IPC in 2013 following the enactment of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, in response to increasing incidents of sexual offenses.

Section 376-E states that if a person, who has previously been convicted of an offense punishable under Section 376 (rape), Section 376-A (causing death or a persistent vegetative state in the victim), Section 376-AB (rape resulting in death or a persistent vegetative state), Section 376-DA (gang rape), or Section 376-DB (gang rape resulting in death or a persistent vegetative state), is subsequently convicted of committing the same offense, they shall be punished with imprisonment for the remainder of their natural life or with death.

This provision aims to address the issue of repeat offenders in cases of rape and emphasizes the need for stringent punishment for individuals who repeatedly commit such heinous crimes. It serves as a deterrent and underscores the seriousness with which the legal system views repeat offenses in cases of sexual violence.