Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2020 Exam With Answers

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Which of the following gas was involved in Bhopal tragedy?

A: Methyl isocyanate
B: Ethyl isocyanate
C: Ammonia
D: Nitrous oxide

The answer is: A


The gas involved in the Bhopal tragedy was:

(B) Methyl isocyanate (MIC).

The Bhopal tragedy, also known as the Bhopal gas disaster, occurred on the night of December 2-3, 1984, in Bhopal, India. The disaster was caused by the release of a toxic gas called methyl isocyanate (MIC) from a pesticide plant operated by the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) company. The gas leak resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and caused significant long-term health effects for survivors.

The Bhopal tragedy is considered one of the world's worst industrial disasters and raised significant concerns about industrial safety, chemical handling practices, and the need for stringent regulations to prevent such incidents in the future. It highlighted the importance of ensuring proper safety measures, emergency preparedness, and responsible management of hazardous substances.