Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2020 Exam With Answers

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Zig-zag driving is dangerous to:

A: Pedestrians only
B: Two-wheelers only
C: Four wheelers only
D: All at all times

The answer is: D


Zig-zag driving is dangerous to:

D: All at all times

Zig-zag driving refers to rapid and frequent changes of direction while driving. This type of driving behavior is dangerous for all road users, including pedestrians, two-wheelers (such as motorcycles and bicycles), and four-wheelers (such as cars and trucks). Zig-zag driving increases the risk of accidents and can lead to collisions with other vehicles, pedestrians, or objects on the road. It is important to drive in a safe and predictable manner to ensure the safety of all road users.