Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2020 Exam With Answers

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Basic rule on a two-lane highway is:

A: Keep to the left lane unless overtaking
B: Always keep to the right lane
C: Keep to the lane with least traffic
D: Always drive at high speed

The answer is: A


The correct answer is:

A: Keep to the left lane unless overtaking.

The basic rule on a two-lane highway is to keep to the left lane unless you are overtaking another vehicle. The right lane is generally meant for slower-moving vehicles or vehicles preparing to exit the highway. By keeping to the left lane when not overtaking, you allow faster-moving vehicles to pass safely on your right. This helps to maintain a smooth flow of traffic and reduces the risk of accidents. It is important to follow this rule to ensure safe and efficient driving on a two-lane highway.