Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2020 Exam With Answers

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Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act pertains to

A: Drunken driving
B: Over-speeding
C: Vehicle registration
D: Pollution under control certificate

The answer is: A


The correct answer is:

A: Drunken driving.

Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act pertains to the offense of drunken driving. It specifies the legal limit of alcohol concentration in a person's blood while operating a motor vehicle. If a person is found to be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs exceeding the prescribed limit, they can be charged under Section 185. Drunken driving is a serious offense as it poses a significant risk to road safety. Penalties for this offense can include fines, suspension of driving license, and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the violation and the laws of the specific jurisdiction.