Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2021 Exam With Answers

Practice Mode:

Road on which driving in reverse gear is prohibited ..........

A: Steep descending road
B: One-way road
C: Steep ascending road
D: All of the above

The answer is: B


The correct answer is B: One-way road.

Driving in reverse gear is prohibited on a one-way road. One-way roads are designed for traffic to flow in a single direction, and driving in reverse on such roads would pose a safety hazard and disrupt the intended traffic flow. Vehicles are expected to follow the designated flow of traffic on one-way roads and use appropriate maneuvers, such as turning around at intersections or using designated U-turn points, to change direction if needed. It is important to adhere to traffic regulations and signs to ensure the safety of all road users.