Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2021 Exam With Answers

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As per the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 'voyeurism' is a criminal offence and means

A: Violence against women in domestic environment
B: Violence against women at workplace
C: Watching or capturing images of a woman engaged in a private act
D: Showing pornography

The answer is: C


The origin of the word “voyeurism” is voyeur, which is a French word meaning “one who looks.” It refers to an action by any male of looking at a woman secretly. It is an act that invades someone else's personal space and privacy. Putting someone in a position where you determine whether or not to see their body or personal activities is atrocious and more damaging to their mental health than it is to their physical health. This can occur either by unauthorized observation, like installing a camera in the courtroom, or through the dissemination of recordings or images against the victim's choice and preference, such as posting nude or semi-naked photos online.