Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2021 Exam With Answers

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IPC Sections 319 to 326 are meant to deal with

A: Sexual harassment
B: Acid act
C: Hurt and Grievous hurt
D: None of the above

The answer is: C


IPC Sections 319 to 326 deal with offenses related to hurt and grievous hurt. These sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) define and penalize various forms of physical harm caused to another person. Here's a breakdown of the sections and their respective offenses:

Section 319: Hurt - This section deals with causing simple hurt or bodily injury to another person. It includes any act that causes physical pain, illness, or injury that is not likely to cause any severe or lasting harm.

Section 320: Grievous Hurt - This section covers offenses involving grievous hurt, which refers to serious physical injury that may result in long-term damage, disfigurement, or endangerment to life. It includes acts such as causing fractures, dislocations, burns, poisoning, or any injury likely to cause severe harm.

Section 321: Voluntarily causing hurt - This section deals with voluntarily causing hurt with the intention of causing harm to another person. It encompasses acts where the offender intends to cause hurt or knows that their actions are likely to cause hurt.

Section 322: Voluntarily causing grievous hurt - This section pertains to the voluntary causing of grievous hurt. It covers acts where the offender intends to cause grievous hurt or knows that their actions are likely to cause grievous hurt.

Section 323: Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt - This section outlines the punishment for voluntarily causing hurt. It includes imprisonment for a term that may extend to one year, or a fine, or both.

Section 324: Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means - This section specifically addresses cases where the hurt is caused by dangerous weapons or means. It imposes a higher punishment than Section 323.

Section 325: Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt - This section deals with the punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt. It prescribes imprisonment for a term that may extend to seven years, or a fine, or both.

Section 326: Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means - This section pertains to cases where grievous hurt is caused by dangerous weapons or means. It imposes a higher punishment than Section 325.