Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2022 Exam With Answers

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The species of wild life which are totally depleted and cannot be renewed on earth are termed as:

A: Threatened species
B: Vulnerable species
C: Rare species
D: Extinct species

The answer is: D


D: Extinct species

The term used to describe species of wildlife that are totally depleted and cannot be renewed on Earth is "extinct species." When a species is classified as extinct, it means that there are no surviving individuals of that species remaining in the world. Extinction can occur due to various factors, including habitat loss, overexploitation, climate change, and other human-induced activities. Once a species is extinct, it is considered lost forever, and its recovery is not possible without scientific intervention such as de-extinction, which is still in its early stages of development. Threatened species, vulnerable species, and rare species are terms used to describe different levels of endangerment or risk of extinction but are not used for species that have already gone extinct.