B.Ed (CHANDIGARH) 2018 Entrance Exam With Answers

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The school principal is rebuking you every day. You should accordingly

A: Resign your job
B: Stand against the principal
C: Make a serious effort to resolve the issue with the principal
D: Involve teachers and parents against the attitude of the principal

The answer is: C


When facing a situation where the school principal is rebuking you every day, it is advisable to choose C) Make a serious effort to resolve the issue with the principal.

Resigning your job (A) should be considered as a last resort after exhausting other options for resolving the issue. It is important to try to address and resolve conflicts before considering leaving the job.

Standing against the principal (B) might not be the most productive approach, as it could escalate the situation and create further tension.

Making a serious effort to resolve the issue with the principal (C) is the recommended course of action. This involves open communication, seeking clarification, expressing concerns, and attempting to find common ground or solutions. It is essential to approach the principal respectfully and professionally to address the issue and try to resolve any misunderstandings or conflicts.

Involving teachers and parents against the attitude of the principal (D) should generally be avoided unless it is absolutely necessary and all other attempts to resolve the issue have failed. It is generally more constructive to attempt direct communication with the principal before involving others in the situation.