PGLAW 2019 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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The Moon Is A

A: Comet
B: Star
C: Satellite
D: Planet

The answer is: C


C: The Moon is a satellite.

A satellite is a celestial object that orbits around a planet, dwarf planet or another larger object in space. The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth, and it orbits around the Earth in a nearly circular path. The Moon is also the fifth-largest satellite in the solar system, with a diameter of approximately 3,476 kilometers. The Moon is not a planet, star or comet. A planet is a celestial object that orbits around a star, and the Moon does not orbit around a star. A star is a celestial object that emits its own light and heat through nuclear fusion, and the Moon does not emit light or heat. A comet is a celestial object that is composed of ice, dust and rock, and the Moon is not composed of these materials.