PGLAW 2019 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Choose The Correct Meaning Of The Proverb/Idom - " A Man Of Straw "

A: A Very Active Person
B: A Man Of No Substance
C: An Ugly Person
D: An Unreasonable Person

The answer is: B


The correct answer is B: "A man of no substance".

The proverb "a man of straw" is an idiom that means a person who is weak, worthless, or lacks substance. The idiom is derived from the practice of stuffing scarecrows with straw, which has no real value or substance.

Option A: "A very active person" does not convey the meaning of the proverb, as the proverb is not related to the level of activity of a person.

Option B: "A man of no substance" is the correct meaning of the proverb and indicates that the person being described has no real value or worth.

Option C: "An ugly person" is not related to the meaning of the proverb, as it does not refer to a person's physical appearance.

Option D: "An unreasonable person" is also not related to the meaning of the proverb, as it does not refer to a person's behavior or actions.

Therefore, the correct answer is B: "A man of no substance".