PGLAW 2019 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Pick The Best Alternative To Complete The Following Sentence -

With Great Efforts His Son Succeeded In Convincing Him Not To Donate His Entire Wealth To An Orphanage _______
A: And Lead The Life Of A Wealthy Merchant
B: As The Orphanage Needed A Lot Of Donations
C: As The Orphanage Had Been Set Up By Him
D: And Make An Orphan Of Himself

The answer is: D


The best alternative to complete the following sentence "With great efforts his son succeeded in convincing him not to donate his entire wealth to an orphanage" is D: AND MAKE AN ORPHAN OF HIMSELF.

The phrase "and make an orphan of himself" completes the sentence with a logical and meaningful outcome. The sentence suggests that the person was considering donating his entire wealth to an orphanage, and his son convinced him not to do so. The phrase "and make an orphan of himself" implies that if he had donated his entire wealth to the orphanage, he would have become penniless and left himself without any financial support, effectively making himself an orphan.

Option A, "and lead the life of a wealthy merchant" does not logically follow the sentence, as the person was considering donating his entire wealth to the orphanage, not retaining it to become wealthy.

Option B, "as the orphanage needed a lot of donations," is grammatically correct, but it does not logically follow the sentence.

Option C, "as the orphanage had been set up by him," changes the meaning of the sentence and implies that the person had already set up the orphanage, which is not mentioned in the sentence.