B.A./B.COM. LL.B. (5 YEAR LAW / U.G. LAW) Panjab University Entrance Exam 2016 : MCQs and Answer Key

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Which Of The Following Planet Is Largest ?

A: Saturn
B: Jupiter
C: Pluto
D: Neptune

The answer is: B


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, therefore the correct answer is B: Jupiter.

Jupiter is a gas giant planet, and it has a diameter of about 142,984 kilometers (88,846 miles). It is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter's size is so massive that it could fit all of the other planets in our solar system inside of it.

Jupiter has a strong gravitational pull and a massive magnetic field that affects the surrounding space. It has at least 79 moons, including the four largest moons known as the Galilean moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

Jupiter's size and composition make it a fascinating subject for scientific study, and numerous missions have been sent to explore this giant planet.