All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 4-IV Previous Year Question Papers with Answers

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The Bar Council of India consist of following as ex-officio member :

A: Attomey General of India
B: Solicitor General of India
C: Both a & b
D: None of the above

The answer is: C


The correct option is C: Both a & b.

The Bar Council of India consists of 18 members, out of which the Attorney General of India and the Solicitor General of India are ex-officio members. This means that they are members by virtue of their office and not by election. The other 16 members are elected by each State Bar Council from among its members. The Bar Council of India is a statutory body that regulates and represents the Indian bar. It was created by the Parliament under the Advocates Act, 1961. It prescribes standards of professional conduct, etiquettes and exercises disciplinary jurisdiction over the bar. It also sets standards for legal education and grants recognition to Universities whose degree in law will serve as a qualification for students to enroll themselves as advocates upon graduation.