All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 2-II Previous Year Question Papers with Answers

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A is a person born to Indian Christian parents, was baptized at birth, and attended a Christian school. In a conversation with B, however, A claims not to be a Christian. Which of the following options is the most accurate in light of the principle set out below?

Principle :

The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 defines the term 'Christian' as a person professing the Christian religion. The term 'Indian Christian' includes Christian descendants of native Indians converted to Christianity as well as ordinary converts.
A: A is not a Christian because baptism by itself does not amount to conversion.
B: A is not a Christian because A does not profess the Christian faith.
C: A will cease to be a Christian if A gets married as per Hindu ceremonies and rites.
D: A is Christian regardless of whether she claims not to be one.
E: The religion of A is impossible to determine under the facts provided.

The answer is: D


Based on the provided principle from the Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872, which defines a 'Christian' as a person professing the Christian religion and includes Christian descendants of native Indians converted to Christianity as well as ordinary converts, the most accurate option is:

D: A is Christian regardless of whether she claims not to be one.


• A was born to Indian Christian parents.
• A was baptized at birth.
• A attended a Christian school.

All these facts suggest that A is associated with the Christian faith, either by birth or upbringing. The principle states that a Christian includes not only those who profess the Christian religion but also Christian descendants of native Indians converted to Christianity. Given these facts and the legal definition, A is considered a Christian under the Indian Christian Marriage Act, irrespective of what A claims in a conversation with B. A's personal declaration or belief does not necessarily change the legal status of being a Christian, as defined by the Act.