Computer Fundamentals And Computing Software (BCA) 1st Sem Previous Year Solved Question Paper 2022

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What is an Operating System ? Explain its functions.


An operating system (OS) is system software that serves as an intermediary between a computer's hardware and the applications or software running on it. It provides a range of essential functions to manage and control the computer's resources. Here are the key functions of an operating system:

  1. Process Management:

    • The OS handles the creation, scheduling, and termination of processes (program execution). It manages the allocation of CPU time to different processes to ensure efficient multitasking.

  2. Memory Management:

    • It oversees the allocation and deallocation of system memory to processes and data. This includes virtual memory management to allow efficient use of physical RAM and storage.

  3. File System Management:

    • The OS manages files and directories, providing functions for file creation, deletion, reading, writing, and organizing data on storage devices.

  4. Device Management:

    • It controls input and output devices, such as keyboards, mice, printers, and network interfaces. The OS manages device drivers to enable communication between hardware and software.

  5. User Interface:

    • Operating systems provide user interfaces, which can be graphical (GUI) or text-based (command-line). The user interface allows users to interact with the computer and its applications.

  6. Security and Access Control:

    • OS enforces security policies and access controls to protect data and resources. It manages user accounts, permissions, and authentication.

  7. Networking:

    • The OS facilitates network communication, allowing devices to connect and share resources. It manages network protocols and configurations.

  8. Error Handling:

    • Operating systems detect and handle errors, both hardware and software-related, to prevent system crashes and data loss.

  9. Task Scheduling:

    • It schedules tasks and processes to ensure efficient use of system resources, balancing CPU time, and prioritizing critical operations.

  10. System Performance Monitoring:

    • The OS monitors system performance, providing information on resource usage, such as CPU, memory, and network, to optimize system operation.

  11. File and Data Backup:

    • Many modern OSs include backup and recovery features to protect data from loss due to hardware failures or accidental deletion.

  12. Inter process Communication:

    • Operating systems provide mechanisms for processes to communicate with each other, enabling cooperation and data sharing between applications.