Production And Operation Management (B.Com) 5th Sem Previous Year Solved Question Paper 2022

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What is work measurement ? Discuss various techniques of Work Measurement.


Work measurement is a systematic process used in industrial engineering and management to determine the amount of time required to complete a specific task or job. It plays a crucial role in optimizing work processes, improving productivity, setting standards for performance, and ensuring 
efficient resource allocation. Work measurement helps organizations understand how work is being performed and can be used for various purposes, such as labor cost estimation, workload balancing, and performance evaluation.

Various techniques of work measurement include:
1. Time Study:
 - Time study is one of the most common work measurement techniques.
 - It involves breaking down a job into its constituent elements and recording the time required to perform each element.
 - The data collected is then analyzed to determine the standard time required for the entire task.
 - Time study often employs a stopwatch or other timing devices to record accurate data.

2. Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS):
 - PMTS is a predetermined set of time values assigned to basic motions or tasks.
 - It uses predetermined time values for various standard work elements or movements.
 - The time required for a specific job is calculated by summing the times for each motion or element.
 - This system is useful for repetitive and well-defined tasks.

3. Work Sampling:
 - Work sampling, also known as activity sampling, involves taking random observations of a worker’s activities over a period.
 - These observations are used to estimate the proportion of time spent on different tasks.
 - Work sampling is particularly useful for tasks that are difficult to measure through continuous observation.

4. Standard Data System:
 - Standard data systems provide predefined time values for various work elements.
 - These systems contain libraries of standard data for specific tasks, allowing engineers to access and use established time values for common operations.
 - Examples include MODAPTS (MODular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards) and MOST (Maynard Operation Sequence Technique).

5. Elemental Standard Data (ESD):
 - ESD involves breaking down a job into fundamental elements, such as reaching, grasping, walking, and turning.
 - Standard times are established for these elements and then combined to determine the total standard time.
 - This technique provides a structured way to analyze and measure complex tasks.

6. Analytical Estimation:
 - Analytical estimation is a method where experts or engineers estimate the time required for a specific job based on their experience and knowledge.
 - This approach is useful for tasks without historical data or when rapid estimates are needed.

7. Computer-Aided Work Measurement:
 - In modern times, computer software is often used for work measurement.
 - These software tools can record and analyze time data, generate reports, and manage work measurement projects efficiently.

Work measurement is a valuable tool for organizations seeking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize their work processes.