Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

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Safe driving requires :

A: Good vision
B: Good hearing
C: Quick reaction
D: All of the above

The answer is: D


Safe driving requires:

(D) All of the above.

Safe driving involves a combination of various factors, including good vision, good hearing, and quick reaction. Here's why each of these factors is important:

Good vision: Having good vision is crucial for identifying and recognizing road hazards, traffic signs, and other vehicles or pedestrians. Clear and unimpaired vision enables drivers to make informed decisions and react appropriately to the surrounding environment.

Good hearing:Although vision plays a dominant role in driving, hearing also contributes to road safety. Good hearing allows drivers to detect auditory cues, such as sirens, honking horns, or approaching vehicles, which provide additional information about the road conditions and potential hazards.

Quick reaction: Quick reaction time is essential for responding promptly to unexpected situations or emergencies on the road. It involves the ability to assess a situation quickly, make decisions, and apply appropriate braking or steering actions to avoid accidents or mitigate their impact.

By combining good vision, good hearing, and quick reaction, drivers can enhance their overall awareness, reduce the risk of accidents, and promote safe driving practices.