Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

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The basic aim of First Aid is :

A: To protect the victim from more harm
B: To save life
C: To reduce pain
D: All of the above

The answer is: D


The basic aim of First Aid is:

(D) All of the above.

The primary goal of First Aid is to provide immediate assistance and care to an injured or ill person until professional medical help arrives. In achieving this aim, First Aid serves multiple purposes, including:

To protect the victim from more harm: First Aid focuses on ensuring the safety of the injured or ill person by preventing further injury or aggravation of their condition. This may involve moving them away from immediate dangers, stabilizing their condition, or applying appropriate techniques to prevent worsening of the injury or illness.

To save life: One of the key objectives of First Aid is to preserve life. This may involve performing life-saving techniques such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), controlling severe bleeding, or managing choking situations.

To reduce pain: First Aid aims to alleviate pain and provide comfort to the injured or ill person. This can be achieved through techniques such as applying cold packs, providing support and immobilization for fractures, or administering pain relief measures if available and appropriate.

By encompassing all of these objectives, First Aid aims to provide immediate assistance, protect the victim from further harm, save lives, and alleviate pain until professional medical help can be accessed.