Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

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Section 354D provides punishment for committing an offence of :

A: Disrobing
B: Disrobing or compelling her to be naked
C: Stalking
D: Voyeurism

The answer is: C


The correct answer is:

(C) Stalking.

Section 354D of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) provides punishment for the offense of stalking. This section specifically addresses acts of stalking, which involve repeatedly following, contacting, or attempting to establish contact with a person to foster personal interaction despite clear indications of disinterest or opposition from the target.

Stalking is considered a serious offense as it infringes upon a person's privacy, causes fear, and can lead to psychological distress. Section 354D aims to protect individuals from such unwanted and intrusive behavior.

It's important to note that while other offenses such as disrobing, compelling someone to be naked, and voyeurism are also punishable under the IPC, they are addressed by different sections. Section 354D specifically deals with the offense of stalking.