Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2021 Exam With Answers

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What is the identification of a school bus?

A: Green paint
B: Red paint
C: Blue paint
D: Cream/yellow paint

The answer is: D


The correct answer is D: Cream/yellow paint.

A school bus is typically identified by its distinctive cream/yellow paint color. This color is commonly referred to as "school bus yellow." It is a standardized color used for school buses in many countries, including the United States.

The specific shade of cream/yellow used for school buses is chosen to enhance visibility and recognition on the road. It helps to distinguish school buses from other vehicles and alert other road users to exercise caution and be aware of the presence of children.

In addition to the paint color, school buses often feature other visual indicators such as flashing lights, stop signs, and markings that further differentiate them as vehicles primarily used for transporting students to and from school.

It is important for drivers on the road to be aware of the identification features of school buses and follow the appropriate traffic rules and regulations associated with them, such as stopping when the bus displays its stop sign or flashing lights.