Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2021 Exam With Answers

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Where is parking prohibited?

A: Entrance of hospital
B: Blocking a fire hydrant
C: Zebra crossing
D: All of the above

The answer is: D


The correct answer is D: All of the above.

Parking is prohibited in various locations for safety, traffic flow, and accessibility reasons. The options provided in the question - entrance of a hospital, blocking a fire hydrant, and zebra crossing - are all examples of areas where parking is generally not allowed.

A: Entrance of hospital: Parking at the entrance of a hospital is usually prohibited to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles, ambulances, and patients seeking medical attention. It helps to maintain the flow of traffic and enables quick and efficient access to healthcare facilities.

B: Blocking a fire hydrant: Parking in front of or blocking a fire hydrant is strictly prohibited to ensure that firefighters have immediate and unobstructed access to the hydrant in case of emergencies. Blocking a fire hydrant can hinder firefighting efforts and put lives and property at risk.

C: Zebra crossing: Parking on or near a zebra crossing is generally not allowed. Zebra crossings are designated pedestrian crossings where pedestrians have the right of way. Parking near or on a zebra crossing obstructs the visibility of pedestrians and may increase the risk of accidents.

It is important to follow parking regulations and signs to ensure the safety and convenience of all road users. Additionally, parking restrictions may vary by location and specific traffic rules, so it is essential to be aware of and comply with the parking regulations in your local area.