Unequal Distribution Of Income And Wealth In India : Causes And Measures


Unequal distribution of income and wealth is a major economic and social issue in India. The causes of this inequality are complex and multifaceted, and addressing the issue requires a combination of economic, political, and social measures. Here are some of the key causes of income and wealth inequality in India and measures that can be taken to address the issue:


In India, inequality in the distribution of income has increased for various reasons.

The main reasons are the following:

UNEMPLOYMENT : The main reason for low level of income of the majority of Indian people is unemployment and underemployment and the consequent low productivity of labour. Low labour productivity implies low rate of economic growth which is the main cause of poverty and inequality of the large masses of people. In fact, inequality, poverty and unemployment are interrelated. Since sufficient employment could not be created through the process of planned economic development, it was not possible to increase the income levels of most people.

INFLATION : Another cause of inequality is inflation. During inflation, few profit earners gain and most wage earners lose. This is exactly what has happened in India. Since wages have lagged behind prices, profits have increased. This has created more and more inequality. Moreover, during inflation, money income increases no doubt but real income falls. And this leads to a fall in the standard of living of the poor people since their purchasing power falls.

No doubt, inequality has increased due to rise in prices. During inflation workers in the organised sector get higher wages which partly offset the effect of price rise. But wages and salaries of workers in unorganised sectors (such as agriculture and small-scale and cottage industries) do not increase. So their real income (purchase income) falls. This is how inequality in the distribution of income increases between the two major sectors of the economy — organised and unorganised.

TAX EVASION : In India, the personal income tax rates are very high. High tax rates encourage evasion and avoidance and give birth to a parallel economy. This is exactly what has happened in India during the plan period. Here, the unofficial economy is as strong as (if not stronger than) the official economy. High tax rates are responsible for inequality in the distribution of income and wealth. This is due to undue concentration of incomes in a few hands caused by large- scale tax evasion.

REGRESSIVE TAX : The indirect taxes give maximum revenue to the government. But they are regressive in nature. Such taxes have also created more and more inequality over the years due to growing dependence of the Government on such taxes. 

NEW AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY : No doubt, India’s new agricultural strategy led to the Green Revolution and raised agricultural productivity. But the benefits of higher productivity were enjoyed mainly by the rich farmers and landowners. At the same time, the economic conditions of landless workers and marginal farmers deteriorated over the years. Most farmers in India could not enjoy the-benefits of higher agricultural productivity. As a result, inequality in the distribution of income in the rural areas has increased 


Various measures have been adopted by the Government during the plan period to reduce inequality in the distribution of income.


  1. PAYMENT OF BONUS : Firstly, the payment of bonus (called annual payment) has been made compulsory in every industry.
  2. CEILING ON LAND HOLDING : Secondly, a ceiling on landholdings has been imposed in the rural areas. Each household (or family) is allowed to hold a certain amount of land. Any surplus above this is taken over by the Government and is redistributed among the landless workers and marginal farmers. Moreover, in 1976 a ceiling on urban property has also been imposed.
  3. SELF-EMPLOYMENT PROJECTS : Moreover, various self-employment projects have been taken both in rural and urban areas to solve the growing unemployment problem.
  4. TRANSFER PAYMENTS : Finally, various types of transfer payments (such as unemployment, compensation, soft loans, pensions to freedom fighters, concessions to senior citizens, etc.) have been made for improving the welfare of certain weaker sections of the society.
  5. PROGRESSIVE TAXATION : Implementing a more progressive tax system, with higher tax rates for the wealthy and lower-income tax brackets for low and middle-income earners, can help reduce income inequality.
  6. INVESTMENT IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING : Providing access to quality education and vocational training can help equip individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the workforce and earn higher incomes.
  7. STRENGTHENING LABOR LAWS : Strengthening labor laws to provide better protections for workers, including minimum wages, social security, and benefits, can help ensure that workers are not exploited and are able to earn a fair wage.
  8. UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE : Providing access to quality healthcare for all, regardless of income or social status, can help reduce health inequalities and improve overall health outcomes.
  9. WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION PROGRAMS : Implementing wealth redistribution programs, such as cash transfer schemes or social security programs, can help provide a safety net for those who are most vulnerable and reduce inequality.
  10. GENDER EQUALITY INITIATIVES : Addressing gender inequality by promoting women's education and workforce participation can help reduce income disparities and promote economic growth.


In conclusion, the unequal distribution of income and wealth in India is a significant issue that has far-reaching economic, political, and social implications. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that tackles the root causes of inequality, including historical legacies, limited access to education and training, uneven distribution of land ownership, and unequal access to credit and financial services. By implementing measures such as progressive taxation, investment in education and training, strengthening labor laws, providing access to healthcare, implementing wealth redistribution programs, and promoting gender equality, India can work towards reducing income and wealth inequality and promoting more inclusive economic growth. Reducing inequality is not only a matter of economic justice but is also crucial for promoting social cohesion, improving the well-being of citizens, and ensuring long-term sustainable development. It is, therefore, essential that India takes decisive action to address this issue and promote a more equitable and inclusive society for all its citizens.