Haryana Judicial Service (Civil Judge) Prelims 2010 Previous Year Question Papers with MCQ Answers

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Which one of the following statements correctly define the term 'murder' ?

A: Act by which the death is caused must have been done with the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death.
B: Death is caused with the knowledge that he is likely to cause death by his act.
C: Death is caused with the intention of causing such bodily injury as the offender knows to be likely to cause death of the person to whom the injury is caused.
D: Death is caused under grave and sudden provocation.

The answer is: C


The definition of murder is the deliberate and illegal killing of a person. This usually requires an element of intent or malice aforethought, meaning that the killer planned or desired to cause death or serious harm.

Based on this definition, the correct option is C: Death is caused with the intention of causing such bodily injury as the offender knows to be likely to cause death of the person to whom the injury is caused. This option shows that the killer had both the intent and the knowledge of the likely consequence of their act.

Option A is incorrect because it does not specify that the killer had the intention of causing death, only that the act was likely to cause death. Option B is incorrect because it does not show that the killer had the intention of causing death, only that they had the knowledge of the possibility. Option D is incorrect because it implies that the killer acted under provocation, which could reduce the charge to manslaughter, a less serious offense than murder.