B.Ed (CHANDIGARH) 2018 Entrance Exam With Answers

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Choose the option which is closer in meaning to the given words

A: Exercise
B: Expel
C: Accelerate
D: Exalt

The answer is: B


The option that is closer in meaning to the word "exorcise" is:

B) Expel

Explanation: "Exorcise" refers to the act of removing or driving out an evil spirit or entity from a person, place, or thing through religious or spiritual means. It involves casting out or forcing the unwanted presence to leave. The word "expel" means to force or drive out someone or something from a place or situation. Both "exorcise" and "expel" involve the idea of removing or driving out, making "expel" the option that shares a similar meaning to "exorcise." Options A) Exercise (physical activity), C) Accelerate (increase in speed), and D) Exalt (praise or elevate) have different meanings and are not synonymous with "exorcise."