B.A./B.COM. LL.B. (5 YEAR LAW / U.G. LAW) Panjab University Entrance Exam 2016 : MCQs and Answer Key

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Who Is The Father Of Immunology ?

A: Edward Jenner
B: Roberth Koch
C: Newton
D: Louis Pasteur

The answer is: A


The Father of Immunology is Edward Jenner.

Edward Jenner was an English physician and scientist who is best known for developing the smallpox vaccine in the late 18th century. Jenner's work laid the foundation for the field of immunology, which is the study of the body's immune system and its response to infectious diseases.

Jenner's discovery was based on the observation that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox, a mild disease similar to smallpox, were immune to smallpox. He hypothesized that cowpox could be used to protect people against smallpox, and he tested his theory by inoculating a young boy with cowpox and then exposing him to smallpox. The boy did not develop smallpox, and the vaccine was eventually widely adopted as a means of preventing the disease.

While other scientists, such as Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, also made significant contributions to the field of immunology, Jenner is widely considered the father of immunology due to his groundbreaking work on vaccination and his pioneering efforts to understand the immune system's role in disease prevention.