Growth Of Political Consciousness : Gurudwara Reform Movement


The growth of political consciousness in India has been marked by various movements that aimed to bring about social and political reforms. One such movement was the Gurudwara Reform Movement, which emerged in the early 20th century in Punjab, India. Led by prominent Sikh leaders like Master Tara Singh and Bhai Vir Singh, the movement sought to bring about changes in the management of gurudwaras, the holy places of worship for the Sikh community.

The Gurudwara Reform Movement had a significant impact on the social and political landscape of Punjab. By promoting the idea of democratisation of gurudwara management, the movement sought to empower the Sikh community and strengthen their identity and unity. The movement inspired a sense of pride and solidarity among Sikhs, who had long been subjected to discrimination and marginalization.

Overall, the Gurudwara Reform Movement played a crucial role in the growth of political consciousness in India, particularly among the Sikh community. It paved the way for further social and political reforms and contributed to the country's rich history of movements that sought to bring about positive change.


The growth of political consciousness refers to the process by which individuals become aware of their political rights and participate in political activities to bring about positive change in their society. India has a rich history of movements that sought to bring about social and political reforms, and one such movement was the Gurudwara Reform Movement.

The Gurudwara Reform Movement emerged in the early 20th century in Punjab, India. At that time, the management of gurudwaras, the holy places of worship for the Sikh community, was under the control of a hereditary priesthood called mahants. The mahants were often corrupt and used their power to exploit the devotees and accumulate wealth.

The movement aimed to bring about reforms in the management of gurudwaras and to end the corrupt practices of the mahants. It was led by a number of prominent Sikh leaders, including Master Tara Singh and Bhai Vir Singh. The movement used peaceful protests, petitions, and other forms of non-violent resistance to achieve its goals.

The impact of the Gurudwara Reform Movement was significant and far-reaching. It led to the democratisation of gurudwara management, with the control of gurudwaras passing into the hands of elected representatives of the Sikh community. This not only ended the corrupt practices of the mahants but also empowered the Sikh community to take control of their religious institutions.

Furthermore, the movement played a crucial role in the strengthening of Sikh identity and unity. Before the movement, the Sikh community was divided along caste and regional lines. However, the movement brought together Sikhs from all walks of life and regions, united in their common goal of bringing about positive change.

Overall, the Gurudwara Reform Movement was a significant milestone in the growth of political consciousness in India. It showed the power of peaceful protests and non-violent resistance in bringing about social and political reforms. The movement also inspired other movements in India and contributed to the country's rich history of movements that sought to bring about positive change.


In conclusion, the Gurudwara Reform Movement was a significant movement in the growth of political consciousness in India. Led by prominent Sikh leaders, it aimed to bring about reforms in the management of gurudwaras and end the corrupt practices of the mahants. The movement used peaceful protests and non-violent resistance to achieve its goals, which led to the democratisation of gurudwara management and the strengthening of Sikh identity and unity. The impact of the movement was far-reaching, inspiring other movements in India and contributing to the country's rich history of movements that sought to bring about positive change. The Gurudwara Reform Movement serves as a reminder of the power of collective action and non-violent resistance in bringing about social and political reforms.